Photography and Performance

Below you can see some examples of my work as Photographer documenting (dance/theatre/fine arts) performances, art festivals, dance classes, rehearsals, exhibitions, shows and more. For more details about photo-documentation services and prices, you can contact me at: danzaprimitiva@gmail.com (with subject: Photo-Documentation service).
* Because of the amount of commisions the last years, here there are examples from documentation until 2016.

TEMPTING FAILURE 2016 || 23rd July 2016 || Theatre utopia || London UK
Her body transpired into the darkness that day. Her last breath grew wings: pulling the soul from beneath her bones to the next life. Grief births a visceral journey, which swells and tears the skin, spitting you out onto barren lands. There was death and it took me with it. ‘Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered species. The wildish nature comes to us at birth, society's attempt to "civilize" us into rigid roles has plundered this treasure, and muffled the deep, life-giving messages of our own souls. Without Wild Woman, we become over-domesticated, fearful, uncreative, trapped' (Clarissa Pinkola Estes).
This new performance is the first few breaths of a new life, with a new voice, in new flesh. In ‘Lost Bodies’- artist Nicola Hunter (formerly Canavan) will be celebrating loss as a strengthening process, a metamorphosis and a return to the wild.
website: www.nicolacanavan.com

TEMPTING FAILURE 2016 || 23rd July 2016 || Theatre utopia || London UK
This body based work explores the history of the female form in art, paying particular focus to Greek sculpture and the hero status associated with the nude form. Mentored by Poppy Jackson. Sound design by Jack Williams.
website: TEMPTING FAILURE 2016
Further photo documentation: on ISSUU

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

© Fenia Kotsopoulou

Ph. Fenia Kotsopoulou

ph. Fenia Kotsopoulou
Festival x-24 (2016)
x-church, Gainsborough, UK
Free 24-hour festival with live bands They Say Fall, Years Young, Savour the Silence and more, DJs, silent disco, fabulous free food, fun activities for kids including bouncy castle, tug of war and painting, Spoken Word, gaming tournaments, art installations, 24-hour cinema, workshops, fire pit, bar. This is Slumgothic’s fourth 24-hour festival and you’ll wish you’d been coming since the start. Slumgothic works in very close connection with artists, acts and performers who care about the people here: this is what makes Festival x-24 unique and special.
website: http://www.slumgothic.co.uk
FB: https://www.facebook.com/x24festival/
Furtehr photo documentation: on FACEBOOK

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater

Proto-type Theater
A Machine They're Secretly Building (2015)
Proto-type Theatre
A MACHINE THEY’RE SECRETLY BUILDING charts a course from the Top Secret secrets of WWI intelligence (via the moon, 1972’s Chess World Championships, a disco in Oklahoma and the cafeteria at CERN) through to 9/11, the erosion of privacy, Edward Snowden and to the terror of a future that might already be upon us. Proto-type have combined original text and classified intelligence documents with film from digital artist Adam York Gregory and sound design by Paul J. Rogers, to vent their frustration at the insidious machine of surveillance.
©Written and directed by Andrew Westerside
Devised and performed by Rachel Baynton and Gillian Lees
Digital design and artwork by Adam York Gregory
Original sound design by Paul J. Rogers
Produced by Matt Burman
website: http://proto-type.org
FB: https://www.facebook.com/prototypetheater

Revisitation of "ENGLAND" by BA Drama students, in the University of Lincoln. Senior Lecturer: Andrew Westerside.
more photo at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/61839232@N02/albums/72157662217164926
© Fenia Kotsopoulou
University of Lincoln
BA Drama
Lincoln, UK

CHOREOGRAPHY: LOCATING DANCE - Site Specific Performances (2015)
An afternoon of three site specific performances taken place at the University Campus : " The New Foundry" - "Access All Aereas" - The Experiment" by BA Dance students.
© Fenia Kotsopoulou
University of Lincoln
BA Dance
Lincoln, UK

CHOREOGRAPHY: LOCATING DANCE - Site Specific Performances (2014)
© Fenia Kotsopoulou
University of Lincoln
BA Dance
Lincoln Performing Arts Centre
Lincoln, UK

Bodies in motion (2015)
Lincoln performing arts centre
photo by Fenia Kotsopoulou
Photo documentation: A variety of dance work from midlands-based Youth, University and Professional Dance artists including WE Dance (Lincoln College), Lincoln Dance Collective (University of Lincoln), Louise Gibbs, NCN Clarendon College and more.
Opening Out/Inviting In (2014)
Lincoln performing arts centre
© Fenia Kotsopoulou
Photo documentation:
An evening of works by MA Choreography students presenting the opportunity to engage with a range of choreographic practices in varying stages of development.

Long exposure dance (2015)
Lincoln performing arts centre
© Fenia Kotsopoulou
February 2015

CONDUIT (2015)
Performance installation by Kate Buckley.
© Fenia Kotsopoulou
February 2015
Fine Arts, University of Lincoln (UK)

Domus (2015)
Performance installation by Amy Hewitt
Part of the HOUSE collective event.
photo by Fenia Kotsopoulou
February 2015
Fine Arts, University of Lincoln (UK)

Photo documentation of the GNARL fest 2014.
The second edition of GNARL fest, the East Midlands Platform exhibiting International and National Live Art, took place at the Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, from 27th October until 1st of November. With practices as distinct as song lecture, dance performance, digital performance, new media punk rock, trash spectacles, performance installations, durational performances.
Featured artists:
Stella Zannou, Walter Bickmam, Vagia Kapousidou
Perrine En Morceaux, Lucie Eidenbenz, Adina Secretan, Marko Milic, Aleksandra Jones
Mental Health, Lauren Barri The-Famous Holstein,
Davide De Lillis, Joana Cifre Joana Cifre Cerdà, Chai Vivan, Verena Vuori, Anthi Kettirou, Emilios Theofanous, Pavlos Kountouriotis, Astarti Athanasiadou, Annie Morrad & Ian McArthur, Antonio de la Fe, Karen Savage, Daz Disley
Jeff Cloke, Simon le Boggit, Duncan Chapman, Biljana Bosnjakovic, Mary O' Neil & Angela Bartram, Kayla Bowtell, Sophie Cero, Sally Lemsford
photo by Fenia Kotsopoulou
LPAC University of Lincoln

Oedipus (2015)
Performance installation by Helena Louise Trought
Part of the HOUSE collective event.
© Fenia Kotsopoulou
February 2015
Fine Arts, University of Lincoln (UK)

Dangerous Discoveries (2015)
Featuring artists Rebecca Lee, Sarah Tulloch, Rebecca Beinart, Katy Beinart and Laura Youngson Coll
Photo documentation at Biddulph Grange Garden for Dangerous Discoveries, an exhibition of commissioned artworks that take you on a journey through our history, heritage and the structural intricacies of plants. The exhibition, which features five artists, focuses on the themes of Dangerous Discoveries including the dangers of plant hunting in the Victorian era, unusual climates, trees of gigantic size, and the exploration of uncharted territories.
link: http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/biddulph-grange-garden/visitor-information/article-1355905401643/

Site Specific performances (2015)
BA Drama - Usher Gallery and The Collection (Lincoln)
Site specific performances by BA drama students at the Usher Gallery and The Collection. University of Lincoln, UK
more: https://www.flickr.com/photos/61839232@N02/albums/72157652241721658

Poems of the river (2015)
Ayscoughfee Hall Museum
Photo documentation of a river themed exhibition and performance "Poems of the river". ‘Poems of the River’ celebrates the achievements of people with sight and hearing impairments from the charity’s Glenside Resource Centre who took part in a six month project with poet Laila Sumpton to create poems, stories, photographs and artwork inspired by the river. Participants also worked collaboratively with sound artist Daz Disley, to compose sound pieces of creatures found by the river banks, from eels and ducks to herons and rabbits.

Film Painting Workshop with Stewart Collinson (2015)
General Practice (Lincoln, UK)
Photo documentation of a a film painting workshop led by Stewart Collinson and organized by General Practice.

X-24 Festival (2015)
x-church, Gainsbrough, Lincolnshire (UK)
Photo documentation of 24 hours festival organized by x-church in Gainsbrough.

Out of woods (2015)
by The Professors - Lena Sass Hughes (UK)
Photo documentation of the performances by The Professors at the Millenium Gallery in Sheffield (UK)

Final show/exhibition "earth-art=eh" (2015)
MA Curatorial practices. University of Lincoln (UK)
Photo documentation of the final show "earth - art = eh". This show is the end of course exhibition for MA Contemporary Curatorial Practice at the University of Lincoln. The show brings together varying standpoints of curatorial practice from five different curators: Nick Simpson, Sophia Kyprianou, Jessica Pepper, Daniella Bastiaens and Yang Qing Li
The exhibition showcases previous, current and on going curatorial projects the group have done individually and also highlights projects that the group have accomplished as a collective.

Second Kaleidoscopic Arts Platform (2015)
curated by Lucia Schweigert and Konstantina Skalionta - TESTBED1 space (Wandsworth Fringe Festival 2015).
Photo documentation of the second Kaleidoscopic Arts -a platform for showcasing dance works by emerging female choreographers- which took place in an industral warehouse setting. It saw dance, film, music and installations by Agnese Lanza & Julie Havelund, Bea Bonafini, Fenia Kotsopoulou, Giulia Tacconi, James Hall, Julie Schmidt Andreasen & Paul Vernon, Laura Elias, Mara Vivas and Rosa Manzi Reid.
more info: http://www.kaleidoscopic-arts.co.uk/second-platform/4587455416

Dance Class with Pavlos Kountouriotis (2013)
© Fenia Kotsopoulou
University of Lincoln
B.A Dance
Lincoln Performing Arts Centre
Lincoln, UK