future ArtProjects
The significance in these images relies on the choice of production techniques, where I've introduced another 'mirror' via the use of contact printing from paper negatives and scratch chemical-process. Rather than opt for commercial-grade super-perfect prints, I've instead taken high-resolution, highly-worked digital masters through a deliberately unsophisticated DIY approach, shunning contemporary ideas of digital 'perfection'. Each print is unique in a sense that it cannot be reproduced in the exact way. Each time the aesthetic result will be slightly different like the experience of making it in the dark room. Also, the original photographs are usually products of performance for camera / documentation of performances / video artworks.
The alternative development processes are based on:
a) Caffenol: The Technical Photographic Chemistry Class at RIT in 1995 led by Dr. Scott Williams developed a method of developing photographic film using standard household items. The tested mixtures of tea and coffee combined with agents to balance the pH and successfully made printable images for exposed film.[1] At the time they did not call it "Caffenol", but the methods they developed later became commonly called Caffenol.
b) Rodinal: Rodinal was patented January 27, 1891 by Dr. Momme Andresen. It was the first product sold by Agfa and is the oldest photographic product.
The cost of each print is £30 and the money from the sold prints will be used to support other personal or collaborative practise based research projects related to photography & performance / art residency expenses/ materials of production.