"Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
Viktor E. Frankl
A triptych journey in search of a tension capable of restoring the fragmented nature of a “continuity constantly receding”.
A physical and emotional experience of entering the "unknown" where discomfort and risk shape each response to external or internal stimuli.
A process where music and movement are subject to a constant procedure of deconstruction and reconstruction.
The video was created during the choreographic residency in Lavanderia a Vapore (Italy) where took place the interdisciplinary research project:
(blog: nocomfortblog.wordpress.com/)
This work has been edited in such a way that each part can be experienced independently and and/or as a whole
First part: IN (03:50)

Second part: SIDE (03:14)

Third part: OUT (03:39)
dance video by Fenia Kotsopoulou
performance/choreography: Sara Marasso
music: Stefano Risso
camera: Fenia Kotsopoulou and Daz disley
video editing: Fenia Kotsopoulou
sound design & audio-post: Daz Disley, Stefano Risso, Fenia Kotsopoulou
lenght: 9:20
format: 16:9 || 1920x1080 H264 || B&W and colour
Location: Lavanderia a Vapore (Colegno, Italy)
Year: 2016
(IN SIDE OUT): IVAHM 2017 || Madrid, Spain || 10-21 May 2017
(1ST PART: IN side out): Athens Video Dance Project 2017 || Athens, Greece || 27-30 April 2017
(IN SIDE OUT): Accionar (en) la distancia 2017 ||
Ecuador and Mexico ||17-23 April 2017
(1ST PART: IN side out): LOCUS 17| a projection
Thessaloniki, Greece || 11/12/18 February 2017
(IN SIDE OUT): DANCE ON SCREEN || Graz Austria|| 28th-29th January 2017
(IN SIDE OUT): WEST ENDS LIGHT || Lincoln/UK || 4rth of December 2016
(IN SIDE OUT): Festival El Cruce Videodanza
Rosario, Argentina || 21st Nov-3rd Dec 2016
(IN SIDE OUT): presentation of the NO COMFORT ZONE project || Lavanderia a Vapore || Collegno Italy || 29th September 2016


dancer and choreographer
Since the beginning, her interested in dance was born as an occasion to explore the body, considering its complexity. Her training connected theoretical and practical study of different techniques of movement in search of a physical language which combines different forms of artistic expressions.
After a short period of study in Turin, she continued her studies at the Laban Centre for contemporary dance in London, and she received a Master’s degree in Dance from the University of Paris VIII. Sara, practices and teaches yoga Iyengar.
Her choreographic works have been presented in a wide range of international festivals of contemporary dance and performative arts, like the Festival Torinodanza, Interplay, Prospettiva, The Repérages, Tanzmesse Dusseldorf, Charleroi Dance, Festival da Fabrica and more. In recent years she has received many appreciations,as well as financial support from public and private institutions including the Ministry for Cultural Activities, Torinodanza Festival, Autunno Danza, NEC nucleo of experimentaçao coreografica.
bassist, composer, producer
His great passion for songs makes him straddling Instrumental music (jazz and avant-garde) and vocal music (rock, folk music and author- composer).
He has written and produced for theater and collaborated with writers, artists, dancers and videoartist. He has over fifty discs, many of which were produced by him as leader or co-leader (HellmullerRissoZanoli, Barber Mouse, T.R.E., Vocifero, Blue Devils among others), in collaboration with Italian, French, English, Finnish, Swiss and Japanese Labels.
Eclectic and curious, he played with many different musicians and groups, like Stefano Battaglia, Gianni Coscia, Roy Paci, Francesco De Gregori, Lalli, Meg. His work has received very wide recognition by critics. Interviews and articles about personal and collective projects have been published on the main Italian and European journals of sectors such as e Musica Jazzit Jazz, JAAZ & More (Svizzera) JazzThing (Germania) and on dedicated websites, as All About Jazz and Jazz Convention.
Since 2014 he teaches electric bass in Bomporti Conservatory of Trento.
a cross-disciplinary artist based in the UK, whose practice encompasses performance art, dance, video and photography. She holds a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Lincoln, a BA in Dance from the National Dance Academy in Rome. Pivotal topics of her rhizomatic practice include: the body as a site of transformation and as the repository of emotions; personal and collective memory; performing documentation and alternative uses of archives; formation and deconstruction of female identity.
Video art festival participation: MADATAC 07 (Spain, 2016); Addis Video art festival (Ethiopia, 2016); Without Words Film Festival (3 rd prize, France, 2015); 30 th VideoFormes (France, 2015), FILE festival (Brasil, 2015, 2014), InShadow (Portugal, 2015), Video Performance Art Exibition: “Pancaroba” (Indonesia, 2015) and more.