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Conference Documentation

Photographic documentation by Loredana Denicola

SEXUALITY AND GENDER IN TIMES OF CRISIS: Live Art and Feminism in Greece Presentations and Q&A with: 34es (artistic collective, London-Athens) Chara Kolaiti aka Anna Goula (artist, Athens) Fenia Kotsopoulou (artist, Lincoln) Diana Manesi (PhD Social anthropology, Goldsmiths, London) Mary Zygouri (artist, Athens) Moderators: Giulia Casalini & Diana Georgiou (CUNTemporary, London) Organised by CUNTemporary as part of GREEK TRASH live art night, at Bethnal Green Working Men's Club (23 April 2016). More information about the event at: All photos Copyright Loredana Denicola. Web:

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