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From the 19th to 29th of September took place the second phase of the choreographic residency in Lavanderia a Vapore (Collegno, IT), of the interdisciplinary project: "No Comfort Zone" - with Sara Marasso and Stefano Risso in collaboration with Fenia Kotsopoulou and Andrea Coppone.

The artists involved in the creative process, showcase an excerpt from project’s development. Furthermore, will be screened the dance-video: “In Side Out”, created during the choreographic residency at Lavanderia A Vapore.

The project “No Comfort Zone” was selected within the context of the Choreographic Residences ‘s project 3.0 in Lavanderia a Vapore – Dance Regional Center / Piemonte Vivo with a special mention from the selection committee with the support of Torinodanza Festival and the collaboration of Interplay Festival. This summer No comfort zone has been in residence, from 22nd until 30th of July, at Teatro Municipal do Campo Alegre, Porto (PT), with the support of Companhia Instavel and at SOUDOS – Espaço Rural de Artes with the support of Vo’arte production company.

Concept: No Comfort Zone explores the idea of contemporary creation as interaction between different languages and research practices, and considers the discomfort, and risk, of entering into the unknown as important elements within the creative process. Both music and movement are subject to a process of deconstruction and reconstruction.

In the “corpo sonoro” (sonic body) we seek a non organic dimension: neither fluid, nor smooth, rather; a tension capable of restoring the fragmented nature of a “continuity constantly receding”. Listening to Beethoven.

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